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Edge with mosses


15 Mar 2015
Lights - Original 21 LED (7600K) + 2 X Ikea Jansjö LED lightning (6000K)
Filter - Fluval HOB
Co2 - No
Substrate - Silisium sand
Plants - Java moss, Christmas moss, Fissidens moss, Anubias barteri nana petite
Inhabitants - Blue pearl shrimp , RC Shrimp , Snails, Neon tetra and Black neon

Hi guys
Here is my 23l fluval edge with low tech a few plants. First i tried to do "oliver knotts easy planted tank"(http://www.pbase.com/plantella/naturesoil_stepbystep_layout2), but i failed with low stock lightnings 🙁 My all java mosses got messed up. So i tried to install new extra lights, and used christmas and fissidens mosses this time. Also attached some anubias nana petites on to my driftwood. Christmas moss grows very nice with this lights, but fissidens just stays the same 🙂
If anyone could give me some ideas for design i would really appreciate it. Also do i need CO2 for fissidens mosses?

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