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Echinodorus tenellus looks a little 'leggy'

  • Thread starter Thread starter tel
  • Start date Start date


28 Sep 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Hey Everyone,
I am struggling/battling with lighting at the moment. Some days I think yep should have plenty and other days I think I am under, so needing a little advice
I have maintained an eight hour period and opted not to increase the time as I am figuring light has more to do with intensity as opposed to duration.
When I look at the Echinodorus tenellus it seems a little leggy and not like images I have seen of this plant. This is my first time with this plant and the growth seems ok, but it has not started producing runners etc. That said, I have had to nurse the plants back to better health, my fault entirely, but another story all together.

My lighting is 4 x 54 watts of t5 HO all on, running a split time period
4 hours in the morning from 6:30 -11:30 am
( I get up at 5-30/6 so I like to check that everything is ok before leaving for work)
4 hours in the evening 5:30 - 9:30 pm


Hopefully in the image you can see it looks a little stringy and tends to be growing up more than out so I assume this is a lighting issue.

Should I being doing something different?
Increase the Lighting?
Increase photoperiod?
Stop the split time?

Advice would be appreciated.
cheers, tel
chump54 said:
how long has it been in there, Tel?

not sure about the split time... how big is the tank?


Hi Chris,

It has been in 12 days.

Tank Size:
Inchs: 48 x 24 x 24
Cm: 121 x 60 x 60
Gallons: 119
Litres: 453

With regards to giving it a trim, I was under the impression that it could not be trimmed, one piece of information said it could potentially kill the plant, another said yes trim it but the leaves won't grow back.
I will dive into your link and have a read

cheers and thanks Chris
