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Dwarf Aquatic Frogs - suitable for my tank?


16 Jan 2023
As my tank is settled, I would like to look at adding a new species in the new year.

I currently have:

4cory julli
Many Molly (Two adults and probably 30 babies - I will be giving the majority of babies and adult male to the fish shop I got them from).
There are also a few shrimp anda snails in there too.

Tank is 70L, about 30cm deep, 40cm high and 60 long I think. (will check).

I really want to add some aquatic dwarf frogs, I am aware they can't have the water too deep so will ensure there are some rocks for them?

Would these work in my tank - no point fantasizing if they are not suitable.

From what I have read they are compatible with my current stock, it's just whether there would be room and the environment is correct.
I was asking about Dwarf Frogs today in my LFS as I’m interested in keeping them one day. The advice was to keep them in a species only as they will basically eat anything that fits in their mouths and nip at the fins of things that don’t. That could be an issue with the Mollys and perhaps the shrimp too?

They grow up to about 5-6cm so while they’re small they might be fine with your stock, when they’re bigger it could be an issue.

They also said a paludarium set up is best as they need space above the water to sit too. And a lid, as they will definite escape.

I’m going to look at a low tech species only set up next summer if all goes well.