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Dutchish 175

Mr P

4 Oct 2011
NW london
Hello ,I am trying to put a dutch(ish) style planting together in my tank,i am no expert and will not pretend to know what i am doing,i have grown a couple of resonable tanks of plants and hope i will manage this.i pulled most of the plants out of the tank(most have been rehomed)i have a couple of plants i want to keep have have tried to use them in the setup,any help, critism (ouch) comments are welcome ,the tank is 175 litres,2x24watt T5 lights,pressurised co2,eco complete substrate.
i done the planting over the weekend in 3stages followed by 50% water changes the fish must be happy i have i finished {for the moment),i have no doubt that pl ants may need moving or changing as the tank progresses, i have the lights on for 6hours daily as i have found this plenty for the plants to grow and hopefully not have too much of an algae problem(fingers crossed),i am feeding the plants daily with Tom C el recipe ,i have been using this for a while and find it works .http://www.flickr.com/photos/skankypup/7125340717/
here is a list of the plants in the tank,i will see as things progress what changes need to be made,
Lobelia Cardinalis Dwarf.
Clinopodium Brownei,
Limnophila aromatica
Alternanthera rosaefolia mini,
Limnophilia sessiflora,
Bacopa carolina,
Hygrowphila sp,araguaia,
Cryptocorne amicorum,
Crytocorne beckettii,
Cryptocorne balansae,
Cryptocorne Mi Oya,
Crinium,(dont know what type),
lotus,(dont know what type),
Aponogenton,(large one),

I think that is about all of the plants,there might one or two i have not mentioned,i have grown most of them before but ithink the real challenge will be pruning them to shape and getting every thing right at the same time,
The plants seem like they are settling in ok, thats all for now,all the best ,skankypup
this looks nice, you're gonna have some trimming on your hands!! You have got some quick growing stems at the front, you're gonna have to keep on top of those. Good luck with it, i reckon this'll turn into a right beaut!
I was using a swan neck out on the filter with the flow going across the back of the tank,the stem plants are getting seriously bent so i have changed to a spraybar across the back of the tank now, i will keep an eye on any algae that pops up,i have had less problems with algae using the swan neck ,that said i have increased the amount of co2 going in so hopefully things will be ok,bye for now ,skankypup.
looking lush in there, very healthy looking plants.
hi, the spraybar seems to be ok at the moment, i think the best thing i have done is to place the co2 diffuser under the filter inlet,the gas dissolves in water alot better and i have had less algae problems. i only have a couple of small bits of BBA, which i will spot dose with liquid carbon,all the best ,skankypup.
hello,i was just planning my first prune on the tank and the angel fish decided it was a good time to start laying eggs,i really need to do a water change tomorrow but might leave it a couple of days longer and see what happens with the angels,i dont really want to disturb them too much and this is the first time they have bred.am i going to be a dad ? .what i have read about the angels i dont think it will come to any thing, i will wait and see.bye for now,skankypup , ps aphoto of mum and eggs.
Most Angels have been so intensively bred these days that they are not always the best parents and the eggs are usually taken away to be reared seperately. If you have other fish in there that bother the parents they are more likely to eat the eggs than hatch them.

Best of luck with it is always exciting when fish breed.
