That's something taking a lot of time and practice, you need a lot of experience to finaly find out what suites you the best.. Knowing the plants is key, how and when they color, how they grow, size in height and width, do they branch from the base or from the top, leafshape etc. It is very hard to say what the best plants are actualy all of them can potentialy be used in different combinations and configurations. That's why it still is after all those decades an interesting style to explore and experiment with, the sky is the limit, possibiliities endless.
Next to knowing the plant sp. characteristics in how they grow and color, you need to gather experience how the manicure them into shape. These are things you don't learn from reading alone. And since this planted aquarium hobby over all is a hobby you can't learn over night with gatering textual information it takes months maybe years and several try outs to get experienced. To get all this in the shortest periode possible you would need to go with multiple tank syndrome, if you have the space and finances for that.
I'm a Dutchman and in this hobby for several decades, back in the early days i was under the assumption that Dutch style was all there was.. There was no internet, all information i had was Dutch literature concerning Dutch style aquariums for the first 2 decades. And still after all those years i never realy mastered the style to contest grade material. It is extremely difficult style to master, that i can tell..
Best advice someone can give is, find contest scape examples and start with replicating what you like the most.. Nothing wrong with copying excisting material, it gives you what you need.. Experience.