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DSM - Is this mould?


20 Jul 2013
Can anyone tell me what this is (bottom center)? It seems to be spreading...

Not sure but it look like it started in the hc and it looks like the clump just to the left of the left hand rock is starting too. If it was in my dsm id think about removing it and flooding the tank.
What substrate are you using and how long has your dsm been running? Have you changed the water?
Not sure but it look like it started in the hc and it looks like the clump just to the left of the left hand rock is starting too. If it was in my dsm id think about removing it and flooding the tank.
What substrate are you using and how long has your dsm been running? Have you changed the water?

ADA Aquasoil Amazonia. It's been up for about 3 weeks now. 14 hour photoperiod. Haven't changed the water yet as didn't think it would be needed yet. Still think I should flood it?
I've just done some more research online, and most people recommend flooding in 4-5weeks, rather than waiting for it to fill in fully. It is also recommended that you keep humidity and temperature down to reduce the risk of mould.
At 3 weeks you may not have enough root structure to flood, that's a judgement only you can make but if you do flood it make sure is has loads of co2(much more than is safe for fish). I've read white spirit vinegar will kill mould but am unsure if its safe in the aquarium. there is more info on mould and the dsm on the planted tank forum.
Hope this helps
I updated the picture in my original post... it looks completely different from above! It's bright yellow!
That looks much worse than original photo. its going to take some sorting out I'm afraid. after seeing the new photo I really don't know what to suggest. its a lot of money in substrate just to throw away and start again and there looks to be a lot of melting in the other clumps too, so I think flooding is out of the question.
Whatever it is, I think it started growing there because the substrate wasn't high enough from the water level. Luckily it was just on the surface of the substrate so I've managed to 'skim' out the bits with the yellow stuff and replace it with substrate from other parts of the tank. I've packed it a bit higher so that it's further from the water level. Hopefully it's nothing major.
Would it be at all possible to flood the tank briefly with either a mild bleach solution, or strong liquid carbon dose? Then change a large quantity of water etc. and drain again, thus killing any unwanted bacteria in the substrate. Just a thought, however, as I've never done a DSM before.