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DSM (fertilization, CO2...)


26 Aug 2017
Hey folks,

I have few questions.

I just started a new tank with DS method and it is 2 weeks old now. Everything looks good and plants started to grow.
I want to add water in 4 weeks from now.
Aquarium is 65L big.
Substrate system is made of ADA power sand special S, ADA aditives and ADA amazonia light.
I want to use EI fertilization system.
Lighting is chihiros led (around 0,8W/L)

Here is my question.
I am not sure how much CO2 I should use in first days after adding water. When I should start using fertilizers (micro,macro). How big and how often should water changes be in first days and weeks?

many thanks! 🙂
CO2 optimal level, will tend to get less melt.
I would start EI ferts straight away. There may not be a need to start EI straight away with new AS. But the cost/effort is minimal.
I did big WC regular at first but did have filter running on separate Water tub with waste to get it pre cycled to some extent. Had tank fish ready in just over a week after flooding

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