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Dry starting moss

9 Jul 2014
Morning folks as my title says I'm dry starting my hc Cuba and Xmas moss which iv attached to wood. Been two weeks now all going well ,but I read it's a good idea to add fertilizer in my misting ,question is should I and if so what fertilizer to use..any info please thanx .adam
HI Adam
I used fresh tap water....never saw much benefit on the growth front adding fertilizer to the misting water.
I actually had the opposite got algae on the moss wood....so went back to just fresh tap-water.
Fresh out the tap is best....don't leave the water standing in a bottle for a few days then spray.
Plus if you add to much ferts...you can burn the HC leaves with the salts....if the humidity drops.
Brill thanx been using ro water as I have a system in place ,glad I don't need fert wasn't keen when I read it many thanx hogan53...I'm looking at a two month wait before flooding how long did u wait mine is a 30 ltr tank?
Remember there is Macro/Micro ferts in tap water.
Grown moss on wood in a propagator....also carpet plants.
Same difference smaller version what your trying to achieve....2 months would be abought right for that size.
Forgot about the stuff my ro water takes out change to fresh tap now thanx hoggie much appreciated for the info....