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dry ferts


9 Apr 2010
Hook, Basingstoke, Hampshire
Hi all, I'm currently using TPN+ but after researching dry ferts on here I feel I'm now ready to take the plunge, more than anything to save my bank balance. I have found someone that sells 1kg Potassium Sulphate 1kg Potassium nitrate and 1kg Mono Potassium Phosphate for 18 pounds including delivery (unfortunately from ebay though). Is it worth avoiding these or are they exactly the same chemical make ups and do the same job as every other powdered ferts I have looked at? Are they a good deal? Just need to find somewhere for trace mix now and I'll be making the switch :crazy:
Hi johnson529

If you check out this thread viewtopic.php?f=11&t=12327 and take a look at the 7th post down, you will find that you will not need Potassium Sulphate (K2SO4) and this came from a man who knows what he's talking about (Clive, aka ceg4048) when it comes to dry ferts and planted tanks.
johnson529 said:
I have found someone that sells 1kg Potassium Sulphate 1kg Potassium nitrate and 1kg Mono Potassium Phosphate for 18 pounds including delivery (unfortunately from ebay though). Is it worth avoiding these or are they exactly the same chemical make ups and do the same job as every other powdered ferts I have looked at?
The Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) and Mono Potassium Phosphate (KH2PO4) would be fine. However, if you bought the above, the 1kg of Potassium Sulphate would be wasted, as you do not need it.
You could always start off with smaller amounts from our sponsors, as Paul (Flyfisherman) suggested for your Trace. Fluidsensor online sell it all in 100g, 250g, 500g and 1kg weights.
Finally, depending on where you live and your tap water composition you may need to add MgSO4 (Epsom Salts). You can get this dirt cheap off ebay 😀