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drought or flood on our anniversary


3 Apr 2013
6 weeks ago on my wedding anniversary i woke early to make the wife breakfast in bed to find 130 litres of water from my 160 litre tank on the floor i spent a hour mopping up every towel in the house was used i exammend the tank it seemed fine checked filter connections they seemed fine . there was no cracks nothing so i had to presume the filter pipe had had a strange turn as the water level had stopped leaking at the bottom of my outflow pipe . soafter a while i decided to slowly fill the tank .by which time the wife had rose without breakfast in bed suprisingly there was no bad words said to me she just helped with the final bits mopping up the tank filled to about 3 inches from the top then i heard drip drip drip .
the tank was leaking again so now i had a race syphoning the water against the dripping water on the floor .luckely i had a old tank outside which i transferd all fish and plants into which looked a wright mess but it was the best i could do
my 160 litre tank was 8 months old still under warrenty so i phoned the shop and they said bring it in they will have a look as there were no signs of a leak .
at the shop the guy filled the tank and said there were no leaks which conffused me and him then 3 inches from the top the water started to leak out , the seam had gone but only leaked under presure so he swapped tanks i asked about the other stuff i had lost ie substrate wet floor etc he said it was down to the manufacters who made the tank he gave me a note to say the tank was leaking and was no fault of mine . i phoned them they asked what stand was it on , i explained that it was on a flat cabinet with a kitchen work top on the top thay said sorry you can only clam if it was on one of there cabinets .
so i started to put my tank togeather again found £20 note which cheered me up a bit and bought some new substrate .
i thought i would do something diffrent to my tank as everything was out i had been looking at lots of pictures and vids of diffrent tanks and had some ideas in my head so after 6 weeks i came up with this .
which i am very pleased with i am trying a cuba tree which i have seen on you tube and it seems to be working ,for how long i do not know

the moral of this story is from a disaster some good can come i found £20 the wife and i had a diffrent day to what we planned but had a good day togeather and im happy with my tank
pleased it all came together in the end 🙂, you seemed to handle it all a lot better than i would of, id have been more like...... 😡😡....:rage:..... :arghh:.... :bawling:.....and for the rest of the day :grumpy:!!