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Drop Off Shrimp Tank

Mike Charlie

16 Jul 2017
Hi all,

Just had a thought as I really want a big shrimp tank and was going to setup a 70 gallon tank as a shrimp tank but plans have changed so not an option. So I was left with one last place which would only fit a 25 gallon cube tank between wall and bearded dragon in the bedroom on top of the drawer units but really want a bigger tank so was thinking of leaving the idea completely however just been looking around online and found a drop off tank. I saw these a while ago and just forgot about them.

Now my idea is to build the drop off around the bearded dragon and the shallow part would be sat on top of the dragon vivarium. Now I am only talking about the shallow part being maximum of 8" of water maybe even doing it with some of the scape coming out of the water (still researching ideas on this or if the shrimp would walk out of water). Then the deep end would be 24" deep and I may even make it AIO tank. Does anybody have any experience or thoughts to if this would be a good idea? Would the shrimp like it?

Not too sure if I will build it myself but probably not currently as would want it made of glass and no idea how to cut it into L shape for the drop off. Unless I go via acrylic but it would be my first big acrylic build and don't like the idea of it.

Thanks in advance.