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Downsize help please.


6 Apr 2018
Could you please advise me,due to health reasons I have to down grade to a smaller tank.I love my fish but don’t know if I would be overstocked in a smaller tank. Fish are all adult, 2 sae,4 rainbow fish, 5cardinal tetras, 3 yoyo loaches,1pearl gourami, 3 glowlight tetras. Tank size 140lt (30 gall). 800x450x 400.any experts can help me please? I will do 30/50 per cent water changes per week. I desperately want to keep my fish ,but in a good environment for them only,THANK YOU.
Thank you but no.my current tank is 65galls and deep.it is downstairs, i now spend time upstairs and have the 30 gall in my bedroom which if suitable I want to use ..and close down the large tank.it’s no fun getting old.
Sorry to hear about your health issues mate.

Unfortunately the tank would be overstocked. This could possibly mitigated with large water changes but for me the real problem would be housing the yoyo loaches, sae and rainbow fish (depending on type) in a 800mm long tank.

Probably not what you want to hear but hope it helps.
How would you feel about rehoming and just keep small tetras in the new set up,it's always a dilemma when youve had these fish a while
Hi Paraguay,thanks for advice,I love my fish ,it’s my only hobby now so I am not going to rehome,I will keep going as long as I can and then think again.thanks for concern and advice.it is much appreciated.
There are companies that offer tank maintaince if that's something that would enable you to keep the bigger tank longer 🙂 You could also set up a webcam if it's watching the tank you are missing, I know some people do this when they go on holiday to keep an eye on things!