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Dosing for 25L planted tank. No water changes.


17 May 2011
Ok chaps I have a 25L cube (Details see journal - viewtopic.php?f=35&t=16305) that I'm wanting to start dosing in.

I don't intend on water changes(maybe the odd one), just top offs. So how do I go about fertilising this aquarium? Surely I need to tone down amounts of trace elements since excess could build up over time and become harmful? Maybe a tiny amount once a week?

Also does anybody know a supplier of a good trace elements in the UK?

Cheers for any advice, Muel.
Have a look at the diana walstad method if your after little to no water changes its a good way to go 🙂
Yeah I'm swinging towards the Tom Barr way of thinking though. I'm considering wacking some osmocote plus in the substrate to help with trace elements.
What's the tom barr method? I got a 17l tank with 9watt light for free 🙂 so was going to set it up for my betta, as a low flow tank, thus low tech so would be interesting 🙂
It's very similar to the Walstad method. Except he likes to use some equipment too and doses ferts. To create the best conditions possible for plant growth. Apparently if you don't do water changes plants get used to low CO2 levels so create an enzyme to help access it. Check his site out ^^
Nice one,

Sorry HWF I missed that mate, ill check your journal out at a more decent hour haha.