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Dosing EI while on Holiday?

For 5 days I just dosed a bit extra before I went. Left CO2 and ligths as weas. I have an automatic fish feeder so fish were not bothered. All fine when I got back.

I built a dual peristaltic dosing pump for when I went away for 3 weeks.
I am wondering out loud,,surely these high energy tank's that use EI,and higher light level's can go four or five day's without any fertz?
I mean if you dialed back the CO2 a bit and perhap's light duration?
Are they running this close to the edge, that any missed dose would result in???
I know from expierience that low tech (at least mine),,can easily go a week without dosing the approx 1/3 EI that they currently recieve.
Welcome any thought's