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Dosing EI in push cap test tubes - Mixing salts ok?


21 May 2013
I was thinking of making my dosing a bit easier without buying a automatic feeder etc. I noticed people have already tried the gelatin capsules without much success since they don't hold much.

The next closest thing I could find was small test tubes which I could pop the cap off and pour in my nutrients. Job done.

I presume it will be fine to mix the dry salts up, aka all the Macro in one small test tube. KN03-KH2Po4-MgSO4.7H2o just as you would if making a liquid solution.

These are what I had in mind:
That sounds like an extra lot of faff to me! Why not use a dosing bottle, or a syringe?

Mind you, it sounds like a good idea for when you go on holiday- just label them, fill them and then leave precise SIMPLE instructions for the person that is going to look after your tank. I shall be nicking this idea to use when we go away and my partner's son looks after the place.
Thanks guys but I find it easier to dry dose as I can alter my doses if needed. I suppose I could do same if I did go back to a liquid solution but makes it harder to add more of one specific nutrient without making a new batch.
I just think it might be easier using the tubes as empting one tube a day is easier then opening up 3 pots up and using measuring spoons etc. I still would need to use my syringe do dose my liquid carbon. I guess I'm just being lazy lol as it will only be quicker by about 30 seconds. :lol:
I did use to dose liquid when I first joined here and was new to it all. Then I had issues and followed Clives dry salts guide and with the use of http://calc.petalphile.com/ I kind of just made sure I was in the ppm ranges for EI.
I suppose I could just make a liquid solution with my ppm ranges in a 500ml bottle even by using the same calculator.

It was just always annoying having to make a new batch as when I first started out in a thread people might of said "add more potassium" so in the end I just took that route as it would be easier to just add more KN03. It was easier using the dosing bottles but If I needed to add more of something I would then also have to add more of the other Macro nutrients. Oh and the only scales I have in the house which measure in grams are busted lol, so I would need purchase some cheap scales to go back to using my 500ml bottles. I guess I can only hope that calculator is a reliable source.

I do have problems with the Micro nutrients as I cant find aquariumplantfood micro mix on the calculator so I used Plantex CSM+B as the next closest. I hope I've done it all right anyway?
Each morning before work i spoon out what i need (3-5 teaspoons KNO3, 1 teaspoon PO4 and 2 MG+, or one teaspoon micro's)), put it in a measuringcan images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTC77quFqY-zySY5orSkBMgRcAZnlVMWLCTu_gzQs7O6OamhCVt.jpg , add hot water, stir and toss it in the tank. I don't see it getting any easier.😱
Oh and the only scales I have in the house which measure in grams
?????. What's wrong with spoons. EI is meant to be easy, spoons are far easier than scales. I bought 6 long handled tea spoons in Robert Dyas for £2. Just leave in the bag of salts, open bag spoon into 500ml water. Done.

Each morning before work i spoon out what i need (3-5 teaspoons KNO3, 1 teaspoon PO4 and 2 MG+, or one teaspoon micro's)), put it in a measuringcan , add hot water, stir and toss it in the tank. I don't see it getting any easier.
See spoons not scales. Keep it simple....
Lol I don't know what's wrong with spoons. I guess its annoying and frustrating and I remember Clive not being to happy about it either. I just like to know exactly what ppm of said nutrient I am putting in. If I know the ppm of my dose then I know 4x a week of that nutrient I am in the EI range even though I don't have 6 wpg as that was the guides reference :lol: . I have to avoid that urge with the Micro nutrients though as I have no idea what mix I am actually using so I just throw in more.

This thread is getting me embarrassed now lol, I feel like really lazy :lol: no but seriously it was just empting a small tube just seemed quick and fast rather than sititng down getting my measuring spoons out.
At the end of the day I don't mind doing it each morning as long as I start to see a tank like everyone's on this forum 😀.
lol no I think I just gave him a headache when I did make all them threads about ppm values and all other rubbish :lol:
I'm not worried about over dosing in my tank or anything, its just I see all the tank journals and pictures and all these people entering competitions and then they put there dosing in ppm.
So they obviously know what there dosing in ppm, so I just like to know as-well so if I get issues I can tell people. I know EI is simplicity and providing excess but if I lack something for some strange reason then at least I have that nutrient in a pot and it will be simple to add more. I just found that harder when dosing in a bottle and syringe. :banghead:
obviously know what there dosing in ppm,
Or not. I think testing is overated.
If you add plenty the lowest factor will always be CO2, you can't give to much (within reason ofcourse, and with large weekly WC)
Unfortunately I'm only using 2ml liquid carbon for my 200l litre tank so I'm not sure whats going to happen. If anything I can presume my uptake will be much lower so even more less room for error.
I don't want to get off topic to much, but I have seen in some of the journal section on this site over the past week people saying EI can cause algae and they suspect EI is not as good as everyone says and providing excess nutrients is not the best option. I'm not sure what there assumptions are based upon as they never state it. I don't know what to believe myself as I follows everyones advice here but I guess everyone is different and has there own beliefs on things.
Edvet said: ↑
Each morning before work i spoon out what i need (3-5 teaspoons KNO3, 1 teaspoon PO4 and 2 MG+, or one teaspoon micro's)), put it in a measuringcan , add hot water, stir and toss it in the tank. I don't see it getting any easier.
See spoons not scales. Keep it simple....

I just read the post back as lots of messages happened at once lol. Ian I hope you don't think I sit there in the morning with scales lol and measure my dose etc. I just add 1/4 for example with my measuring spoons which is pretty simple.

I just meant in terms of making the liquid solution I would need to know the grams or if you know roughly how much grams or ppm in a teaspoon that could work. As surely from the very beginning someone had to figure out how many spoons to put in the bottle to get a certain ppm per 10ml otherwise how would anyone know how many spoons to put in? Hope that make's sense lol. I didn't want people to think I sit at my tank in the morning and put 2/4 KNO3 on to scales then go to the EI calculator. :lol:
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