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Dom's Jar of Honey


11 Nov 2013
High Wycombe
This thread was started on another forum, however I will copy and paste everything up to date. It has been running for nearly a month now. My inspirations are Bigtom's Bucket of mud, Alistair's Chocolate puddle series, and Don's 200gallon Square.
Hope you guys like it 🙂

I hereby apologize in advance for my lack of experience in carrying out tank journals. I hope to be able to reach the standards of the likes of other people on this forum 😛

Here is my empty tank, which arrived last saturday, (picture was taken on the day, sorry for the rubbish photo) in which i have been carefully planning, researching, collecting, and gathering for, for over 6 months now. Like i posted previously on another thread- I was sick, and tired of just 'making do' with all my tanks that i have ever had, and with the provision of a job to me around 5 or 6 months ago, and being 17 (18 in may) living with my parents,still being in study, without a car, without any taxes to pay, and some free time, i thought to myself- 'hey, I can do whatever the heck i want now!' after being in the fishkeeping hobby for years, beginning from a very young age where my late dad took me to the fish store one day and brought back a small, 2 foot long tank with him. His love for nature has definitely been inherited by me as one of my qualities. He would spend days and even nights on the riverbank, with a couple of fishing rods cast out into the river hooked up to a bite alarm, sitting in his little deckchair, smoking a cigarette and taking in the beauty of nature. I am hoping to recreate a similar imagery in this tank.

I am going to be doing a lot of work today to it, and hopefully it might be planted by the end of the day. This will be my first 'proper' planted tank.

I will keep you guys updated, but for now- here is my (messy, for now) tank. Here's the spec-

Tank- Custom made 900x900x370, holding roughly 300 litres.

Cabinet- DIY, made by my gramps for 100 quid. Not bad for a good sturdy cabinet.

Lighting- 2x 38w T8's with a DIY light stand and fittings. This gives me just over 1wpg.

Filtration- Fluval 305 filter loosely packed (to prevent clogging) with sponges, ceramic rings and broken up bits of lava rock.

Circulation- 2x newave 1600's- on the lowest setting (I'd rather not blow my tank to pieces haha)

CO2- 1x 5kg canister with up aqua atomizer. Gonna crank up the co2 for the first few weeks to help plants grow in, then tone the co2 back down once fish are added.

Substrate- John Innes No3 compost, capped with kitty litter/moler clay.

Fauna- I am considering Chocolate Gouramis, Rosy loaches, Chili Rasboras, and a bunch of cherry shrimp. It is undecided yet.

immersed- Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis, Lilaeopsis Mauritana, Eleocharis s.p, Parvula and Acicularis, Sagittaria Subulata, Anubias, Microsorum Pteropus trident and narrow, a bunch of crypts, predominantly wendtii brown, green, and beckettii.

emersed- Not sure yet. Will note as the journal goes on.

It also has a built in fog system which goes around the back perimeter of the tank to help provide my terrestrial plants with some humidity. I bought a 6 litre humidifier from ebay, and it is on 24/7. It normally lasts 3-4 days before I have to refill it again. I spray the terrestrial plants twice a day.

[DOUBLEPOST=1399919288][/DOUBLEPOST]The first thing i did was I checked my co2 system for leaks- I attached the regulator solenoid etc, and tightened everything as tight as i could. I then opened the valve, which made the pressure go up to around 60. I put a pen mark on it's position, and then turnt the valve off again. I left it for 8 hours to check whether the pressure had gone down (this would mean that there is a leak) but it was still in the same position! So thats all good!

I then waterproofed all the piping and hooked it all up. I used hot glue gun, as i tried to use silicone, but it did NOT hold well. And i found that hot glue was 10x better. I glued all the joints together and used pipe clips to hook everything up and put everything into position. All the filter's piping is DIY.
I then took it outside and did a test run to make sure everything was watertight. And then hooked everything up into its final place.

I then pushed the tank into it's final position- and started scaping. I wanted to use lots of lava rock to help create a slope. I used lava rock to help prevent the substrate from becoming stagnant and anaerobic. So i piled up all the lava rock, and then added a 2-4cm layer of John Innes No3 Soil over the top, and then a 3-5cm layer of moler clay on top.

I finally started playing around with a few hardscape ideas- and this is all i have come up with so far. I am hoping to create a little island in which i can grow terrestrial plants on.

Also, i had previously made a background for the tank. I covered wood with pond liner to waterproof it, and then stuck hygrolon onto it, which is a material that is apparently very good at holding moisture and is very good for growing plants on. I will add some moss mix onto it- i am hoping to have the whole background covered with mosses with some plants growing onto it.

Thats all for now. Finishing the hardscape and planting and filling tomorrow! biggrin.png



IMAG0038_zps1ea615a7.jpg[DOUBLEPOST=1399919549][/DOUBLEPOST]these pictures were taken as soon as i finished planting- i still need to put loads more plants and stuff in, but i just thought i'd do some update pictures smile.png enjoy smile.png


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Disaster. The pipes i made for my filter didnt work. They began leaking. And it is going to be such a pain in the bum to try and sort it out, and i should really be dedicating my time to my education right now, and i just do not have the time. I have loads of work to get done before easter is over, and i've been using that time for my tank.

I will have a couple of circulation pumps in there to help with the flow and distribution of nutrients.

I only plan on doing this until the summer holidays- to allow me to be able to focus on the last few weeks of college.

finished planting, still need to add some plants to the wood that is out of the water but... this will do for now. smile.png The water is still hazy but i added a small filter to the tank to help get rid of the haziness. Enjoy!







IMAG0053_zpseca8a77d.jpg[DOUBLEPOST=1399920330][/DOUBLEPOST]Update time! Been doing a lot of work to the emersed section over the last week or two, with my spare hour or two that i get sometimes. Ammonia and Nitrites are now zero and nitrates have gone up a little to around 60... the cycle is nearly over! Without a filter as well! wink.pngbiggrin.png

I'm hoping to get the actual filter running on tuesday on my day off (spending half the day on assignments and the other half trying to fix it) I got some acrylic cement to help bond the pipes a little better than hot glue/silicone. Hopefully it works. smile.png

Anyhow, for now, enjoy!













That's it so far guys 🙂
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Hi Dominic
It's looking good now mate. You could still run the filter using the original outlet and inlet just drill holes big enough in the diy back ground which is a great idea. A nice mist each day and that back ground will look great.

Very well thought out and glad you finally posted it.
My only criticism is the change of bulb colour. I liked the initial tubes but it's your preference that counts. Looking forward to seeing it grow

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Thank you very much for your kind words guys! 🙂

Alistair- it is still the same light, an interpet tropical daylight (apparently 16000k, but it gives off a pinkish light, so I assume its at the lower end of the spectrum) The photos leading up to my most recent update were taken on a mobile phone. The ones in the most recent update were taken with a slightly better camera, a nikon coolpix, but still not great.

Hoping to get my girlfriends Nikon d3200 to it, to try and get some better pictures. Also, I think the water has a little bit of tannin in it from the wood, so i assume that may contribute to the look.

And my plan is to have the outlet and inlet hooking over the DIY background, so it will be visible, but i hope to cover it with reptile cork, and place a few tillandias and stuff on there. If it looks too bulky and unsightly, i'll just wrap it with hygrolon and allow the moss to grow over it.
This and the other tanks mentioned above has made my mind up that i really want a large shallow tank!
Thank you guys,

Alistair- it is a relatively pinkish light, however the contrast has been turned up a little in the images so that may be why it looks so pink.

Leesey- Go for it mate! i'll never regret making my decision 😛

And Sanj- Its a black plastic frame- the guy that built my tank said that he put it there for support- kind of like bracing, as I wanted it rimless. I dont see how it would help that much- i'd prefer to have it off, but i dont want to risk my tank collapsing lol 😛 Thank you though!

And I am contemplating what to do now- Should I leave it-

-Low tech without a filter, as it is now

-Low tech with a filter

-Inject co2?

I would inject co2 however from what i understand, you will need to carry out many water changes, which is a pain when using r.o water. I'd prefer to just top up, and maybe do a 10% water change every so often. Or could I inject co2 without water changes?
Update time! The tank is getting onto around 6 weeks old now, and i am pretty darn happy with how things are getting on. Everything is growing steadily, but really well.

I have also decided not to keep chocolate gourami. The pH was fine, but my gH and kH were just too high, even with the use of R.O water. Maybe sooner or later down the line i may be able to keep them in a smaller tank. Or even better when i move out, i move into an area with naturally soft water 😉

I have completely and utterly given up with my filter for now. I have been spending more time on my tank than i should have.... and I have around 16 assignments to do within four weeks so i am in a bit of a panic mode right now. What has happened is that the original pipeworks that i made began leaking, so that took a backseat. I used pvc cement on the pipeworks, that didn't work either. I finally resorted to using the original pipeworks that came with the filter, just for the sake of providing more surface area to build bacteria in (this meant that I couldn't use my inline diffuser for my co2). Those pipes then started leaking, as they had a hole in them from the previous owner. So the next day I went to buy new fluval 305 pipes. Fitted them to the filter, and then the actual canister started leaking. AAARGH mad.png

However, everything seems to be absolutely fine without a filter and a weekly 10-15% water change.

I added my old amano shrimp a while ago, probably around 3 weeks ago, when i saw that my ammonia and nitrites were at zero. I lost him for a while, and i assumed he died due to the fact there was no filter in there, but a fortnight or so later, he made a reappearance and seemed perfectly fine! Happily grazing on the fluffy detrius around the wood.

I added three otos, an assassin snail, and 9 cherry shrimp around a week and a half ago, from my old tank, and they seem happier than ever. A good 4 or so of the cherry shrimp are berried too! Shrimp babies soon! 😛

So, with everything seeming to be going swimmingly, (please excuse the pun) i went to the LFS on tuesday, and picked up some gorgeous honey gourami. (Black breasted yellow dorsal fin variety, not sure what it is called) One male and three females. They are not in full colour as they are only small. I plan on getting another four honey gourami. They are really shy at the moment and i have only seen glimpses of them, they are hiding in amongst the lava rock. However they are beginning to pluck up their confidence and I have seen the odd one coming out every so often, on one occasion in twos, to have a little look around. They're so damn cute 😛 (i should also note that the hydra infestation in the tank has almost completely disappeared... coincidence?)

I also got 3 assassin snails on the trip to the lfs and they have done an awesome job clearing up the snail infestation in the tank. Probably eaten about half of the snails.

I haven't bothered to take some pictures of the tank yet as I am just doing a quick update before bed, but hopefully if i get enough time ill put some up over the weekend. 🙂
Picture-heavy update now! These pictures were taken on sunday, when I added a further 4 honey gourami and 6 pencilfishes. Everything has been absolutely fine! Even with no filter! I even came home on monday to find my pencilfishes breeding! It was a surprise! They were displaying like mad and kept going into the spawning embrace under leaves. I can't see any eggs though.. oh well im just chuffed that they are happy!

Been having an aphid problem and should be adding my new mints when I get a chance as don recommended them to help deter aphids, alongside dabbing a 20/80 rubbing alcohol solution with a q-tip, however I dont fancy dabbing each individual aphid, so i'll see how the mints work first 😛

By the way, my two male honey gourami are shy little buggers and i dont see them much, however when they do, they are GORGEOUS, lovely vibrant colours of red black and yellow. I need to get a picture soon. However pictures of the females will do for now. 🙂

Left hand view


Right hand view


Head on corner


Aerial view



Experimenting 😛



Views from behind tank





Female Honeys (found it really tough to get a good picture of them, sorry about that!)




And finally, a couple of randoms!

Loved the coloura of the crypts!

And i found a random sort of spider web with dew on it from the humidifier, looked awesome! You can also see the moss is finally starting to grow!


Any advice, criticism, anything is welcome! Would love to see some comments!
This has the potential to be epic dom, do you have tillandsias on the emersed section? Nice beckfordi pencil fish have a lot of character IMO, keep the updates coming mate and good luck with the studies.

Thank you tim i appreciate it! Yes I do, Tillandsia Usenoides (spanish moss) and Tillandsia Ionantha 🙂 Give a lovely pink colour, and has small purple flowers when in bloom. I'm trying to think whether i can induce it to bloom.

Looks great!

Just wish I could see it under more 'normal' coloured lighting. 🙂
Agreed with Andy, the only criticism I have, is the light colour, it takes away from the natural look and intention of the tank IMHO.

Other than that, it looks very promising!

Not the first person that has said that, lol! They are T8 interpet 'tropical daylight' tubes, gives off a very pinkish light, and is supposed to be 16,000k. I will change the tubes soon, maybe 6,500 or 10,000k?
However I may upgrade the lights to t5's, for stronger lighting, because I want to raise the light even more. Do you think the upgrade is necessary or am i safe raising it anyway without losing much plant growth?
I use a nikon coolpix, not the best camera in the world but theres a setting on there that makes it more vivid. Should I turn that down?