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Does my Eleocharis need a trim?

I think more critical would be more co2, perhaps also review the flow at the substrate level. Good luck
Good afternoon,
It´s growing but also dying. Review your set up as friends up here said. Don´t cut it now. At this stage it needs to get stronger. Let the roots find their way.
So an update! Being on holiday and a new job whilst the GF wants you to clear some room leaves little time to focus on my poor tank.

Trying to review my setup as suggested, have lights on for 6 hrs LED. Dose liquid CO2 daily just before lights on and occasionally ferts more on a weekly basis. Water changes have been regrettably few and far between, maybe once a fortnight but top up once a week recently.

It is looking very dull due to an hairy brown algea has spread to everything.


I have cleaned the internal filter and replaced media and cleaned HOB as I think I had a flow issue. At the same time a 50/60% water change and generally collecting waste plant matter.

More close ups, fish and all..

This lotus is the only other plant which has not been affected other than Heteranthera Zosterifolia. 2nd pic.



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