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Does anyone use this Led lamp? Is Hygger a good brand?


New Member
11 Nov 2023
I heard that some LED lamps produce a lot of algae. Is this brand good? Does anyone here use this brand?

I used a hyger one on my 1st tank and it grew plants and alge. I dont think light alone causes alge its imbalance of everything combined. I wouldn't go for hyger though, what is your tank size and what's the budget?
size : 60 x 30 cm
I don't have a budget limit
thank you
size : 60 x 30 cm
I don't have a budget limit
thank you
Brands of lights don't " cause" algae.
Mostly a nutrient imbalance between the 3 "nutrients" ..light quantity, CO2, and fertilizers.

Any dimmable led alows you to control the amount of " nutrients"..
Assuming a 20gal tank 24x12x12..
You have a lot of choices. More will depend on what you want it to " do"....

My crusade of the day is the Micmol brand.
Since I build my own lights I can only guess or use others knowledge
The Hyggar software isn't well liked.
BUT, the timer built into the light is absolutely rancid garbage. The timer loses time when unplugged and plugged back...
That said it is water proof..

Point is it could be the little things that separate out your choice.

The Micmol line doesn't have enough time points " for me".
Fluval, plenty of points, don't like their channel color choices.
AI Prime freshwater. good software, but a square output.

New Beamswork DA-Fspec gen 2 a cool color look, no real channel choices but high par, dirt cheap.

Finnex, not crazy about their 24/7 programming.
Sadly also has spread in one form or another to budget lights like simple 6,8,10,12 hr choices

Chihiros has some quality issues.

Ect..ect.. for every brand.
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