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Does anyone use this fertiliser mix


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
Does anyone use the mix below on a full co2 setup .. If so how do you guys dose it?
Daily weekly etc ?


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you can find out how much youre dosing with this calc. If you dont know how much you should dose you can have a read on the ei method in the tutorial section. It should explain pretty much everything.
you dont have to mix with water. You could just dose the dry salts.
Jose thanks for this🙂 .. I may sound a bit daft here but I struggle to understand this . I have a slight reading problem so it doesn't mean anything to me .. I'm dosing my 250 litre tank with standard Ei at the moment but it is what I would call heavy planted.. I'm thinking the Ei may need tweaking to compensate but I don't know how.. I real struggle to use these calculations..
Thank you 🙂

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You should prepare the recipe as stated above. Once you have 1/2 a litre of your fertilizer you should dose three times the ammount recommended by tropica to get near EI levels. This would be 15ml of the prepared solution every week (instead of 5ml/week) for every 50 litres of tank water. You can devide this by seven and dose every day ideally. So you can dose 2 or 3 ml for every 50 litres of tank water every day to your tank.
You can also dose the recommended amount on the recipe but this might fall a bit short for your tank. Feel free to ask. This doesnt have to be hard maths.

This way you would be adding:
0.72 ppm of PO4
17.66 of NO3
etc Aprox

It looks a bit low on phosphates (PO4) since EI should be between 1-2 ppm. But it will probably be enough in your case.
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Jose thanks for this .. I may sound a bit daft here but I struggle to understand this . I have a slight reading problem so it doesn't mean anything to me .. I'm dosing my 250 litre tank with standard Ei at the moment but it is what I would call heavy planted.. I'm thinking the Ei may need tweaking to compensate but I don't know how.. I real struggle to use these calculations..
Thank you

Sorry I missed the bit about you dosing EI. If you are dosing EI already you dont need to tweak anything really. Plants like to have excess to grow better. EI has been thought through to be excess but not too much excess as to waste too much product.

You can say how much you are dosing if you want to verify your nutrient levels.
Thanks .. I see what you mean .. I may need to find a better mix for my tank then I have lots of Java and crypts in the tank and some of the Java is slightly pale only very slightly though it could even be the light .. I suppose I was hoping there was a mix that someone had already formulated that would be perfect in my tank .. 🙂

I currently use this formula

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If you think plants look pale-ish, you can try adding 1/3rd or 1/2 more. It shouldnt affect anything in the tank. Do this for a couple of weeks or more until you see something. Its probably a micronutrient thats a bit low. Maybe Iron.
Ive put your data into the calculator and your levels should be good if you are dosing as the bottle says. So it should be 150 ml every week in total?
If you think plants look pale-ish, you can try adding 1/3rd or 1/2 more. It shouldnt affect anything in the tank. Do this for a couple of weeks or more until you see something. Its probably a micronutrient thats a bit low. Maybe Iron.
Ive put your data into the calculator and your levels should be good if you are dosing as the bottle says. So it should be 150 ml every week in total?
Yeah that's it I dose 25ml a day for 6 days spot on 🙂 thank you for taking time to help it's appropriated

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No prob.😉.
In the long run youll have to end up dosing dry salts instead of mixing it all up. Its easier with spoons of salt and not having to prepare a solution.
It's strange because my 85 litre tank I use the same mix but it's spot on 😉 ..
I'll up slightly and see how it goes thanks again 🙂

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No prob.😉.
In the long run youll have to end up dosing dry salts instead of mixing it all up. Its easier with spoons of salt and not having to prepare a solution.
I wouldn't have a clue how to calculate how much salt to put in on a daily basis or I would

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It's strange because my 85 litre tank I use the same mix but it's spot on ..
I'll up slightly and see how it goes thanks again
Yeap that recipe should work for every tank. Unless something is precipitating out of solution in your mix.
I wouldn't have a clue how to calculate how much salt to put in on a daily basis or I would
Its very easy. You dont have to calculate anything. Its all on the net. Its probably in the tutorial section.
When you have the salts just ask a question and someone will post a link.
20 US gallon tank could be dosed:
Sunday – 50% or more Water Change then dose [3/16 teaspoon KNO3] + [1/16 teaspoon KH2PO4] + [½ teaspoon MgSO4]
Monday – 1/16 teaspoon CSM+B
Tuesday - [3/16 teaspoon KNO3] + [1/16 teaspoon KH2PO4] + [½ teaspoon MgSO4]
Wednesday - 1/16 teaspoon CSM+B
Thursday - [3/16 teaspoon KNO3] + [1/16 teaspoon KH2PO4] + [½ teaspoon MgSO4]
Friday – Rest
Saturday - Rest

Copied from the tutorial section.
