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Does anyone have any spare mosses for sale?


22 Oct 2012
Hello I tried growing christmas, weeping mosses and riccia fluitans. My tank wasn't at all sorted. I have upgraded my flow from an Aquamanta EFX200 to EFX400 traded in my rubbish JBL CO2 helterskelter thingy with a ceramic diffuser. I now would love to try and grow mosses liverworts and riccia. If anyone has any spare for sale I would be very interested.
I think I lost both mosses and riccia as they turned brown and are now falling apart. I used easy carbo thinking my CO2 was low, another lesson learned.
Hello mate, I'm planting my tank later in the week and should have some left over. Only java but its a great underrated moss so your welcome to a portion 🙂
hi nayr i agree its very underrated. thankkyou for the offer but since i posted and got over a hundred reads and no replies i bought some java moss and some liverwort from green machine.
Ahhh that's a shame mate. Bet you was happy with your purchase, the moss I have is in a bowl when I run it up the tap to clean it out I notice a couple other Moses in there, pretty sure there's some fissidens so ill send that if I find a decent portion 🙂