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Do "Tapsafe" Solutions Interfere with EI Dosing?

Eugine Thomas

20 Feb 2015
Do "tap-safe" solutions interfere with the EI dosing? I bought a bottle of Interpet Tapsafe: I thought that it was just a dechlorinator, but apparently it "neutralise heavy metals", too?
I hate how that site won't let me copy and paste. Good info, though. Only problem is that I bought Interpet Tapsafe and it's not on the list. However, I found out that Interpet Tapsafe does "neutralise heavy metals", which I didn't want; I'll use it on the pond instead.

Do we get chloramine in the UK? I thought that was just in the US.

Do we get chloramine in the UK?
Yes. Used in some UK areas all the time and injected into the water supply in emergencies, normally after a burst pipe.

Most people use Prime here as generally best value for money 500ml Prime will dechlorinate 20,000litres of tap water for £18.

You can of course make your own dechlorinator from sodium thiosulphate. 500gr (on Ebay for £3.50) will dechlorinate 50,000litres of water. Used by Discus & Koi keepers who use a lot of water.