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do i need circulation power head?


4 Jan 2015
it almost the 3rd week of my new tank, about 50L a dinner scapers
i'm using an hang hover filter 250 l/h, i made a little slide so the water will move the surface when came back into tank

i'dump some fish food and i notice that once it fall in front and on ground, rocks, plants it just settle there

i was wondering i should add a circulation pump like a koralia 900, i think is the smaller one
Thi is my filter. I add the slide to make water sursafece move and let the water from the out go streight back to the in tube

is 250 l/h on 40L water, i can't go too high with water level or i will spill water when i get into the tank with my hand
i guess it would be easier to get a new hang hover filter, i don't really trust power head without magnet and the smaller is 900 l/h
i read that eheim are good but design is awful, i guess i will look for aquaclear
or if you have any suggestion