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Do I need an air stone?

Martin cape

21 Dec 2012
I want to stop using my air pump and air stone now I've started injecting CO2.

Is this enough surface agitation to get enough oxygen for my fish? Or should I keep running it at night?

Tbh, it's hard to say, but a ripple is normally more that enough to keep oxygen levels at a good amount in the water. As ong as you c02 isn't running all night you shouldn't need an air stone on. Best to keep an eye on the fish though, they will soon start gasping if there to much c02.
Cheers pal.

CO2 is off at night, that was why I used the air stone. But would rather not use it tbh.
As long as the c02 is going off an hour or so before the lights you shouldn't have a problem.
Yeah, I really wouldn't rely on air stones to drive off excessive levels of co2 at night.

If it doesn't come on due to a malfunction in the pump or timer, you'll more than likely lose all your fauna, due to them not being used to tolerating high levels in the dark.

Get a happy medium with surface ripples, like you have, and work a co2 routine where it gasses itself off nicely. Even by turning it off 2 hours before! Which is exactly what I do. 🙂
