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Do i need a heater?


New Member
13 Feb 2025
Derby, UK
Do I need a heater for a planted aquarium? The tank will be placed in my living room obviously does go colder in the day and night in winter when the heating is on. But most people don't seem to bother with them?

Also, a question related to this is if you need water at a certain temperature how the hell do you do a water change? Do you actually have to both heating the water up I advance before you add to your tank?

Sorry I am a huge novice.
Most plants should be OK without a heater at typical living room temperatures. As long as the room is reasonably well insulated and doesn't get really cold. The heater would be mainly for the livestock, but most types of shrimp and snail, and some types of fish will be fine without a heater.

For water changes if you let the water sit in a bucket overnight in a warm room it is usually warm enough or you can top it up from the kettle or some people just use a mix from the hot and cold tap.
Will you be keeping fish in the tank. If so, then you’ll need to check what their requirements are and meet those. For water change, it depends. If you can get your water to room temperature before the change then you should be OK. It thaw not possible, then you’ll need to heat it. I just pop a spare heater in the reservoir I have overnight.