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Do fertz need to be dosed at a certain time?


Thread starter
10 Jul 2023
Sutton, Surrey
Hi All ,
As some of you may already know I have two high energy setups one iwagumi and one NA style.

I work like most of us do and my lights turn up at 2:45 till 10:45 so when I get home around 5pm , I can enjoy my tank till lights off.

I always used to dose ferts in the morning before I go to work when lights are off and then I read and I think GF mentioned in one of his videos to dose the fertz at start of the light period which is not possible for me and I don't want to invest in a doser unless I really have to.

Recently started dosing when I came home around 5pm because I read that edta iron basically dose not stay available for plants at pH above 7 or something cannot remember.
Then also read that phophate uptake happens when lights are off in different forum I think it was Tom barr's forum.

Currently dosing CSM+B 20g salts mixed with 500ml deionized water,2ML 3 times a week and on alternative days dosing 2ml KH2PO4 on the other 3 days, 20g mixed with 500ml deionized water(no nitrates as my tap water has plenty).

Statement about iron is true I am 100% sure because I have seen @dw1305 and others
Repate that over and over again for so many people.

So main question is: does it matter what time fertz are being dosed? and if I am dosing let's just say 3-4 hours into the light period, dose that have any ill effects ?