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DIY sponge filter.


10 Jan 2021
Ive been looking at different filtration options for my shrimp breeding tank. I did buy one of those airlift sponge filters, and as the sponge to it is being seeded in another tank i thought i would experiment with these cheap filters i have that came out of those pets at home style starter tanks. I ended up getting these pool filter sponges, and although some give bad reviews on them due to them not keeping shape or the chlorine destroying them they were cheap enough, and they arrived today. They seem tough enough, and cut them in half so i have four sponges for 6 quid. I replaced the small sponges in the filter with some biohome and dropped it into the sponge. As the filter is square there was a slight gap so tied some fishing gut around the top to make a better seal. I plugged the bottom with some fine filter pad. For a small tank like this these pumps are quite strong so hoping they are drawing enough water through the sponge. I would like to try this with a more powerful pump and utilise all of the sponge.

Any of you guys do Diy stuff like this?


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I’ve made loads over the many years of fish keeping from my own box filters to koi pond filters and complete filters systems for recirculating aquarium systems

To be honest yours will work they are cheap but it’s a big blue thing in a small tank

I would of looked for something more inline with the size of the tank

Remember a filter is anything that water passes over or through

Why not look at a bottle filter with K1 media in it, very very simple
Or a hmf filter across one end of the tank, that will give you a huge surface area

Here’s a few vids to look at

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