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Diy patio ponds


5 May 2021
So this week I've set up a few out door patio pond tubs
One currently has rice fish in just like last year
One has daphina in which feeds my rice fish
And the last I set up today to be another ricefish pond
Has anyone else set up some out door tubs this year and if so what fish are you keeping in them would be great to see


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I've also set up 2 tubs for ricefish which I raised from eggs I received back in Feb. I also have multiple old boxes and things which fill with rainwater. During dry spells I chuck old aquarium water in and these sustain populations of daphnia, blackworm, mosquito and midge larva etc. I'll grab a photo later.
Yeah my daphina culture has exploded I'm harvesting every day made another tub now just for them aswell but I have enough food now to feed all the fish which is good

Waiting for my rice fish to breed yet nothing so far 😩
Well done on the spawning. Keep us updated. I’ve just ordered some rice fish eggs off eBay with a view to growing on before putting fish in my new pond. Hopefully there’ll have been some good plant growth by then.View attachment 206217
This pond looks amazing I will keep you guys updated hopefully there be lots more soon
Once your ricefish arrive be sure to post them in here would be nice to see what others are doing
Hopefully raising the rice fish from eggs will be similar to my recent experiences with killis(rachovii and gardneri )Yesterday I added 10 white cloud mountain minnows who have settled well and seemed to be courting/spawning today. There’s certainly no shortage of live food to feast on , particularly mosquito larvae.
Well done on the spawning. Keep us updated. I’ve just ordered some rice fish eggs off eBay with a view to growing on before putting fish in my new pond. Hopefully there’ll have been some good plant growth by then.View attachment 206217
As requested a little update
I moved the spawning mops with eggs over didn't see anything in the ponds for ages then suddenly I've found 4 babies of my platinum rice fish was shocked as I thought they had all just died
They have got quite big and must have been hiding in the plant cover before only the 4 I could see but I suspect there are more
Will keep you update on progress