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DIY overhead light fittings


23 Jan 2014
I'm a newbie here, returning to aquatics after a few years of being skint.
Want to create a beautiful planted tank but struggling to find overhead light fittings that aren't rediculously expensive. Has anyone made their own? It's a 60cm long tank, 30cm high and 32cm width. It's going to be home to juvenile axolotls until they outgrow it, when it will have something small like cherry shrimp or cloud minnows in it.
If someone could direct me to a tutorial or even conversations on making their own overhead fittings that would be fantastic. Thank you 🙂
Hi and welcome.
What sort of budget do you have? and are you wanting something that you can suspend or sit on the tank?
Not much of a budget at all really- £20? And either or, sitting on the tank would be better but a suspended one isn't so bad either.
Plants use LED light just fine. I think that unit wouldn't be suitable for your tank as its too short. and wouldn't give enough spread. I used 2x 3w(single cree chip) gu10 fitting bulbs over a 60x35x35 for a while and they seemed to work well but if I did the same setup again Id use 3 bulbs not 2.
Am I wanting something that spans the whole length of the tank? I see that one I posted was about half.
Ideally yes. I'm a bit unsure as to whether the cheap ones are up to the job, have a look for the new tmc aqua bar or an arcadia stretch led 50 or 60
Blummin' £50 or more though! Don't think I could manage that. I've been told a T5 bulb would do it- still it's just the fitting and a reflector I need
Sorry to hijack/revive 😛 considering getting the 14w version of that one clown, is it still running strong? The grammar and spelling put me right off 😛
Looking for something for my currently bare 2x1x1 to turn it into a sulawesi shrimp tank :] so only growing mosses really!
Also looking at this but not sure it will be up to even growing moss? Would be .5wpg?