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Distorted growth on Windelov fern - causes?


23 Feb 2025
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
I have a couple of sections of rhizome of L.leptochilus Windelov with bizarre looking distortions which are increasing in size at a glacial pace. The two ferns aren’t growing much in the way of new fronds either.

Don’t know what might be causing it though I have wondered if it might be viral. I’ve idly wondered if the rhizome might be growing in a cristate fashion but it doesn’t look like other cristate growth I’ve seen.

I have other Leptochilus ferns which are perfectly normal. Unfortunately all the plants got thoroughly mixed up when I moved awhile back, so if it is viral, every plant has been exposed by now.

It isn’t only the fronds’ growth that is affected, the rhizome is too, though less dramatically.

There are numerous dark green spikes & blackish-green sort of cauliflower looking lumps & bumps on the fronds. Curled in edges on some.

First noticed it sometime last fall and it was already covering a lot of the fronds then.

I fear they’ve had no attention paid to them because I’m still moving in - always too much to do.

Hope the pics are good enough to see details - I have a camera I can get better shots with, if I can find it.

Oh, btw, it hasn’t had ferts, or CO2. Just whatever the fish provide.
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