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Dissolved oxygen disaster

8 Dec 2023
We had a disaster yesterday. My partner came running to tell me that our fish were all right at the surface of the water, most of them upside down. I ran in to find all of our fish at the surface gasping.

I immediately realised this was an oxygen issue. However, everything at first inspection was working. Filter was running with surface agitation happening. Airstone running as usual. CO2 drop checker was green, although perhaps a little more lime green than usual.

Carried out two 50% water changes immediately. I had done a water change on Sunday. I didn’t test the water before removing it as I was in a hurry to solve the problem so I tested the water in the bucket once I had started refilling.

All test results good although the pH was off the scale low. This seems like a CO2 problem and one which happened incredibly quickly. CO2 is now off and will stay off until I can remove it and test the regulator in a controlled environment away from my fish.

My tetras, corys and bristlenose were all fine within 10-15 minutes of the water change. Sadly, one of my fish didn’t recover. Based on this I’m seriously reconsidering if I want to continue CO2 in the tank.

I thought about posting some photos however they may be distressing so have decided not to.
Just reading your post @simon_the_plant_nerd and I have had the exact same thing happen to me at approx the exact same time/day 🤯 spooky. I carried out a water change at 3am in the morning and then again during the day. All water parameters were normal for me and I have also removed my C02 for now (although im not sure its a C02 issue for me). Fortunately I did not have any fish loss and dont know how I would deal with it if I did as I keep quite a few rare parotocinclus species. I will continue water changes, let us know how you are getting on.