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Discussion on water flow

To detect dead spot, usually you can see an accumulation of debris or organic waste in a certain point. Like behind a stone or around a plant that is too thick. Just look to waste accumulation on substrate to understand where is the dead spot.


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Hi mike.
I have read your thread because tonight I am receiving my Fx5 and it was very interesting to read it !! Thank you
For the inlet also you have change the tubing ?
You have use 22 mm tube ? WAs it fitting correctly the Fx5 without problems ??
Because I have a inline atomizer of 22 mm so I would like to use it the filter and not use again my glass diffuser inside the tank.


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Every one have talk about outlet and inlet position.
But what about plant and hardscape composition.
Did you have noticed that with this kind of composition you are having flow problem or something else ?
Like when you have full of stem plants at the back, it s stuck the flow, or when you have a big hardscape on a corner it s disturbing the flow ??

Please be free to share you experiences


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The tube is 25mm outside diameter and I guess 21mm or thereabouts inside diameter. It is stiff stuff but goes over the fittings and fx5 fittings easily once warmed up with hot water.

Cheers, Mike.
i was looking into this recently too...

my undertsanding was that you want to get good flow across the tank?

what is the recomended method, or is it more of a case of suck it and see?

i did this diagram:

which is the best option for a planted tank?
Flow in a tank isn't as simple as your diagrams unfortunately. Personally I'd go for having the inlet and outlet in the same corner in small or medium tanks. This will set up a circular flow in an otherwise empty tank but hardscape and planting will effect this.
i would always look to supplement flow with koralia type powerheads strategically placed with the aim of creating a circular flow across the scape, they can revitalise dead spots