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Disaster strikes before tank set up

Douglas Mason

22 Jul 2019

I took 6 days off work to get the room where I'm putting my tank decorated.

All paint bought to get the job done ASAP so I could get on with setting up the tank.

As I'm getting everything ready for painting I see some water on the laminate floor, thinking our new puppy had done a wee I cleaned it up and realised it wasnt a wee it was water from the radiator. On closer inspection the laminate was starting to lift. A check revealed that the radiator had sprung a slight leak.

Laminate ruined, floor now lifted up and most of the downstairs is having the flooring replaced as the laminate ran through most of downstairs.

Tiles now ordered but 3 week waiting list and my better half has decided that we can also replace the downstairs cloakroom and as I'm writing this she is measuring up for a new kitchen.🙁

I may get my tank in this side of Christmas but at least I've got more time to plan. Does anyone know any good books to read so I can learn more.


I dont have a single book! used the internet/forums read lots asked lots of questions The 2Hr Aquarist by D Wong is a great start with advanced details as well. Starting a Journal before you start great way of getting specific help to suit your needs also, helped me massively with the folk on here 😉