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Disapearing Fish! + Stange Behaviour


22 Sep 2010
Has anyone come across this before or have some possible explination?

I'm not sure whats going on but there is some "mystery" going on in my tank. I recently noticed that some fish have just simply fanished, yup. I had searched everywhere, my tank is quite heavily planted, also searched in the filter and cannot find any trace of dead fish (or bits of!). I tested for ammonia and this has not risen at all.

I had about 3-4 tetra neons, now theres only one. There was one fish that looked like it had some sort of damage - looking very skinny gasping on the substrate, the next day this fish disapeared and I couldn't find it.

Is it possible my rainbow fish (which has become very old and large) is eating the other fishes??? I've seen it about 3 times in the past week in the process of leaving huge excrements.

As for the other fish, they seem to be darting and chasing each other round quite a bit, sometimes even taking a nibble from the rainbow's underside.

I've checked everythng I can think of, I even stopped all ferts C02 etc, and ran an air diffuers for a few days to no avail.
most likely have died and the carcass has been eaten, any fish will pick at a dead one on the bottom.
Shrimp will even eat each other! If it can be eaten they'll eat it. How ever, they still wont eat the 'Tetra Crustation Mix' i feed them!!!! STUPID SHRIMP
flyingfish said:
Shrimp will even eat each other! If it can be eaten they'll eat it. How ever, they still wont eat the 'Tetra Crustation Mix' i feed them!!!! STUPID SHRIMP

Yep Agree on That, I used to Dry Out Fish/Shrimp that had jumped and instead of throwing them away. Fed them Back to the Shrimp, Once it was Rehydrated the Shrimp Pounced on the Carcas. A Guppy or Endler lasted only a few hours with shrimp nibbling them. :lol:
Back On topic,
The Neons, Did you notice any Color Loss in them prior to them dissapearing. And Also what other inhabitants are there in the tank, as sometimes it is the most unsuspecting that are the Culprits.
Thanks for the responses.

There are no shrimps in the tank. I do not have a complete list of the fish, will post these later on today.

With the neons the only thing I noticed was they seemed to become fairly thin and brittle. I cannot recall any loss of colour - the problem is they were dissapearing without me noticing.

There were two fish at it last night (that I cannot remember the name, last on list below), one of them kept attacking the other of the same breed. The on that was being attacked seemed to be quite swollen around the gills and trying to swim away, found the poor fella at the bottom of my tank this monring gasping away.

Off the top of my head:
1 x Banded Rainbow
5 x Black widow tetra
4-5 x Glass tetra
1x Neon tetra (was 4-5)
3 x Rummy nose tetra
1 x Glowlight tetra, not sure if theres any of these remaining
2-3 x Black Neon tetra
2 x Cannot remember the name of (solid light gold colour, red eyes)
Tank is 125L
Thanks for the link,

I've looked through the symptons and have not experienced any those listed in the bullet point but this:
"...Often the first thing an owner will notice is that the affected fish no longer school with the others. Eventually swimming becomes more erratic, and it becomes quite obvious that the fish is not well..."

I have seen fish seperating from groups, and acting a bit strangely but it wasn't obvious that the fish was unwell.

Please note that I have not had much experience with unwell fish, other than whitespot.

Is it a case that I will start having to remove my poor fellows if I get any hints, even though they may be fine??? The thought of killing a live fish make me cringe.

I had a period that I thought this was sorted out but this morning I had a glass tetra fish stuck against the filter intake.

Was saving to purchase new larger custom made tank but feeling a bit aprehensive 🙁