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29 Jan 2016
so...got a small 60l tank that I've just redone and am awaiting plants tomorrow or Thursday. Got a couple of snails and some amanos waiting for their new home.
Had a marina slim line hang on back filter on the tank (not great I know) and it's just gave up!!!

What should I do?? I'm skint till next month so my options are...buy another of the same and stick some filter media in or buy a cheap in tank filter like the Fluva U2 which will take space in my tank and I'll need to buy cartridges for?!!

I'm swaying toward another marina as I'll be able to add my own media.

It would happen when I need to start cycling the tank!!!
Try ebay...you may find some pretty good second hand external filters that'd meet your requirements for similar money. Eheim Classic are usually a good option.
I'll have a wee look then, just it's a bit of a gamble with eBay
Yeah, I know what you mean, it's always a bit of a lottery but I've never had a problem returning an item I wasn't happy with, and Eheim are German Manufactured...Vorsprung Durch Technik😉
So... Fluval, Jbl, all pond solutions or eheim??
Not paying more that 70 buck (inc p&p like)
It's probably between that and the jbl although i like the look of the fluval.
Suppose it's only a small tank so can't grumble at the APS...just need something fast
Eheim has their Classic promo kits out (still?) - double taps/valves & Substrate pro included (plus usual sponge etc assortment) ... kit is often not shown online so need to ask if that is what's shipping

Nothing wrong with the Fluvals (not as quiet as Eheim & motor less powerful despite much the same advertised flowrates, plastic a bit more subject to wear & breakage)
Sicce filters are also decent
Go with the one that fits in your cabinet, and if neither fit go for the cheapest.