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Diffused Light and Photosynthesis


15 Oct 2015
My tank gets diffused light from window and the room is bright in the morning. Could anyone tell whether this indirect light is enough for the plants to start photosynthesis?

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It's possible, it's probably more likely in an open top tank. However, it depends on the light intensity and the species light compensation point (LCP) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compensation_point.
It also depends on CO2 saturation since high CO2 will lower a plants LCP, and coincidently visa-versa...that is high light can lower a plants CO2 compensation point, to a degree.
But that said I doubt photosynthesis under diffuse ambient light will make any significant contribution to your plants growth.
Actually there are some doubts due to which i asked this.

The tank is not open topped but it gets diffused sunlight from the window and the room remains bright at the morning. Now during this time the co2 remains off and water column will have very less amount of co2. Now if with this light plants starts photosynthesis(Here's another doubt: Do they start the process as soon as they get light?) then at that moment there is less nutrients and co2 to support the process and due to this plant will suffer a bit.

Is my understanding correct?
If enough light hits the plants photo cells the process will start. My tanks CO2 starts at 9am while the tank's light itself come on at 2pm for the same reason as yours, I have to say though that I life in a very bright piece on this planet and there is a lot of light hitting my tank before my tank's light come on.
So would this effect the plants if one starts co2 late?
As we are dealing with plants that we put under water for longer periods than they are used to, I would say most likely it will have an effect on them.....BUT, there has to be enough light and the next question would be; how much light is enough?.....that I couldn't answer, one plant may have enough with only 5 PAR another one will need more.
Yes that's the thing.

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I was wondering whether the peculiar problem i am facing with aromatica leaves showing paleness or whitish tinge before the PP and then turning lush green afterwords happening everyday has any connection with this or not. What you think?
Plants need to repair them self constant or just grow, without carbon as their main building block they start looking damaged and showing signs of decay. I use to have this problem too until I started to see that the light coming from my window as a possible cause, I started to inject CO2 earlier and my plants started to look better.
Just give it a try for a few weeks and see what happens.
Will try it definitely. Could covering up the tank at night solve this problem of diffused lights? Will uncover it when i switch on co2 and light. what you think?

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Thinking of covering it with sunpack boards. Atleast it wll be minimum.

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Lovely!! Hope i overcome with this problem soon. It has become one of my fav plant!!

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It's one of my favorite plants too, I love to work with it (take it out the tank, cut the bottom piece off and replant) and get that nice smell. There is a garden variety that has the same smell and the smell always brings back memories of the garden I use to work in back in Holland.