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5 May 2015
hello , well after been a member for a few days i can see ive a long way to go , lookng at some of your great aquascapes an planted tanks i know im on the bottom rung of the ladder , your tanks make mine look like the gobi desert lol , its a jewel rio 180 (40 gallon ) tank with a make shift lighting system in place as the proper one doesnt work , in the process of getting a four tube t5 overhead lighting unit which should help on the lighting front , and ive just started to look at a co2 system , which reading some of your mails scares me a bit as it does'nt sound as easy as i first thought , with ph levels and right amount of co2 , so any help or advice would be grateful ,also how do i attach a photo on here so you can see how far im away from yourselves , and please no laughing when pic is up lol . also advice on what plant i could put in to help the process along .
Hi Scooby239. welcome to UKAPS.🙂

You can make use of the tutorial section to check how to upload pics and no one will laugh or make fun of your pics. There are really nice and helpful people on this forum. What you will get is great advice, tips and more to look after a planted aquarium! 😉

I am on a learning curve myself and advice from this forum has helped me wrt lights, co2, fertilisation..etc.
Hi Scooby,

It can be very daunting, especially as there is so much information on this forum!

As you have been advised I would take time to read the tutorials. Take time to look at various aquascapes and planted tanks and find a particular style you like.

Also consider how much time and effort you are willing to put in. High tech/energy set-ups will require a lot of work (but can look stunning). Low tech/energy sets are require less work and can still look stunning.
hello , there not in a sack its a shower gel bottle , holding sintered glass media filter ,as an extra moving bed filter to accompany the external ehiem filter ive got, it helps condition the water ,
Hi 🙂 Welcome.. Rome also wasn't build in a day 🙂 So don't worry. I see a tank with nice potential as it is right now, the back bone is there already.. Nice big piece of wood you got there.. I bet you'll find lots of inspirations here at UKAPS for the fine tuning. I know i did.