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Data on the UKAPS subscriber base?


9 Nov 2022
To our admins, would it be possible to see some data showing whatever might be available for the UKAPS subscriber base, all anonymous of course? It would be very interesting and if local enough (e.g. by counties for the UK), might inspire and facilitate more off-line meet-ups.

I'm thinking, distribution by country, and then perhaps age and gender. Also, for the UK and maybe elsewhere a breakdown by region or county/state.

Of course, I haven't a clue whether this is possible by the terms of our platform deal, but if it is and not a load of work then it might be a good catalyst for real world activity as suggested.
Within the terms of our Privacy Policy of course. Does broad demographic data conflict with that? I would not have assumed so, but others may know better.
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It falls under the GDPR, and how we interpret that in the UK (consent etc). I did a course on it last year. I'm sure they won't mind being asked, and they might just appreciate the food for thought :thumbup:
I too have often thought it would be nice to know how close people are to me (miles away), as it might just prompt me to message them. One thing I think would be an awesome idea is to have open tanks, a bit like how they do open gardens... people book in to have a cup of tea and a chat to see your set-up - that kind of thing would be great.
I used to have a Map built-in to UKAPS but then it all depended on what people wrote on there location and some of it was all over the place lol We then introduced one that members had to manually enter their data in the map rather than force everyone into it, but addon eventually went out of support and broke during an upgrade so had to remove it, it relied on Google Maps and the API just stopped working due to Google's policy. I can have another look at that to see if there is something new available but a lot has changed since including as Simon mentions GDPR.

Off course most members and visitors are from the UK, with a higher percentage of UK members from the London area. We used to have regular meetings in London many moons ago with the London Fishkeeping Club (I used to run their forum too), the forum eventually closed as some of the regulars lost interest or moved away and eventually I offered to host a forum on UKAPS:

I guess as a subforum in a forum most miss that it exists at the bottom of the pile!

There is a London group that meet on occasion, not sure they want to be advertised here, there are at least 4 members of that group on UKAPS so if they want they can expand on that.

When the LFK was active we used to meet once a month, either at a fish store and then go for a drink/food afterwards, or we met at a members house for a chat, check out their tanks, share some food and aquatic goodies! Maybe this can be revived again 😉