Hi everyone, trying not to panic here (breathe, breathe) but please help 😩
I’ve been feeding frozen daphnia once a week to my fishes for a few weeks now. Yesterday during water change I’ve noticed some sort of white dust in the water column and then millions of it clang onto the glass. Using my child’s bug magnifier we found out they are a living thing! I don’t know what exactly but I assume they are daphnia from the frozen food? There are billions of it! The tank most affected is the Fluval Flex 34L with shrimps and one thicklipped Gourami who seems a bit frantic. Apart from water changes is there anything I should do to decrease the population? Thank you.
I’ve been feeding frozen daphnia once a week to my fishes for a few weeks now. Yesterday during water change I’ve noticed some sort of white dust in the water column and then millions of it clang onto the glass. Using my child’s bug magnifier we found out they are a living thing! I don’t know what exactly but I assume they are daphnia from the frozen food? There are billions of it! The tank most affected is the Fluval Flex 34L with shrimps and one thicklipped Gourami who seems a bit frantic. Apart from water changes is there anything I should do to decrease the population? Thank you.