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Dancing Purple Emperors


13 Apr 2014
I would love to have embed this Video but it appears Flickr has been a hopeless waste of my money!


These two males are best buddies, Tatty (Tatty Fin) was the alpha male up until the last water change when the roles swapped, they're still buddies though. The female in the tank likes to watch the show but the pair of males are more interested in each other, I doubt I would see any fry in the tank if they do pay the female attention anyway as there are too many mouths. Full display lasts about half an hour from onset (body tilting and fin vibration) after water change, the video is the crescendo moment in the display. I captured this footage when they displayed for the first time 3 months ago, The whirling at normal speed appeared very aggressive but when slowed down you can see its just a lot of pushing and shoving, quite a disco of colours. I manged to capture this moment using a Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D on an FT-1 Adapted Nikon V1 @ 400fps. Gorgeous fish!
really nice, and great natural light effect. I've filmed my bleeding hearts doing their thang, not uploaded video yet, what's the best way...you say flikr was a waste of money?
.....not uploaded video yet, what's the best way...you say flikr was a waste of money?

To Embed the video within the forum page there are a few ways to go about it, but it boils down to using either an account at Vimeo or YouTube (there's a how to in the Technical Help forum, no mention of Flickr). Flickr will make you jump through hoops just to discover that it doesn't work the way they describe it, you then search FAQ's everywhere and discover its some bit of obscure coding to get it going on non-hip websites and then you give up because you realise that everyone else has given up too. Been a paid pro Flickr member for a loooooong time and when I last renewed for 2 years it was 2 weeks before the site changed, aaaaargh!

Nice work! Care to explain about the adapted V1?

I'm using Nikons FT-1 lens adapter for the V1 system which allows be to use all my pro glass on the small system. The reason I used the V1 for the video rather than my 800E is because the cropped size of the sensor allows me to get closer in to the action. The 60mm macro is turned into 162mm macro effective on the V1 because of the CX sensor (2.7x full frame). There is an advantage to using a cropped sensor camera with full frame lenses when photographing an aquarium at the macro level as lens barrel distortion combined with diffraction with the aquarium glass is lessened due to the smaller sensor only gathering light from the centre of the lens. Great little camera, though its a bit front heavy with a 14-24 on it! Really,really, really want to put a V3 in my bag, slo-mo in HD and decent ISO, killer for aquarium photography on the fly!

On another note, I think I need a fish ladder and an upstream pool. Observed for the second time last night one of the emperors having a whale of a time swimming in the current coming from my gush crook, up until the moment it gave it too much wellie and wedged itself monetarily in the outlet!!! The first time I saw this I was watching it dodge the outlet at the last moment, I thought nah surely not and it swam into the pipe causing me to freak out! Last night was just after I posted the above video, I grabbed the camera but the 'BigEye' distracts and the strange behaviour stopped. Being just one of them doing it I'm inclined to think its the female, she's looking a bit plump and it is a busy tank, maybe she wants the privacy and hope the boys follow her (down 3ft of 12/16mm hose into the 20" water filter housing). I'm certain it's spawning behaviour as the three were keeping a tight shoal together that they never do (unless the glo lights are barrel rolling at the back of the tank behind the E.Tennelus, then everything forms a tight shoal). Part of me wants to mesh up the outlet, the other part of me wants to see them make it all the way to the housing. Maybe I should set up a tank next to the main one and connect them with a lift, or a ladder if that's possible.

Since its waterchange day the tanks getting a bit animated as usual, although Tank Boss (single adult Lime Tetra) keeps the Emperors from getting too big for their boots. The rummies are following the Emperors everywhere but the glowlights as usual just hang around in a very loose shoal. All my red-rilli and cherry shrimp are saddled without fail (since I appear to have no male Neocaridina in the tank out of Five RR's Three Cherry and Moby blahblahblahblah (rili twice the size of all the others)), I will need to sort that but will probably end up with more females again no doubt, which is almost like the exact opposite from what's happening in my CRS tank where I see no berries but lots of chasing post molt. Incredibly the hitchhiker cherry fry that came in the bag with the CRS and live in the same tank have grown from being fry to the size of the CRS in the space of two months and are saddled!!!, aaaaaargh, I only need one male Neocaridina and the hitchies are all female, aaaaargh!!! Lol!

Never a dull moment in my community tank!
🙂[DOUBLEPOST=1398609219][/DOUBLEPOST]Lol at swear filter, nice one!