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Dan W's 60cm "calm before the storm"

Dan Walter

18 Mar 2009
Salisbury, Wiltshire
Hi all, I've been playing around with this 60x30x30cm tank since March last year.

Current specs (last pic) are:
SUBSTRATE: Tropica substrate capped in Argos playsand
FILTER: Fluval 204
LIGHTING: 2 T5HO 7hr photo period, OSRAM daylight lamps.
CO2: FE 2bps
FERTS: TPN+ 2ml daily
PLANTS: HC, P-Helferi, Crypt Wendtii Green,Crypt Parva, Java Fern (narrow?!), Cyperus Helferi, Anubias, Fissendens, Peacock Moss (with HC growing on it!), and some weeping moss.
FISH: 13 Ember Tetra's, 2 Serpae Tetra's, 4 Otto's,2 SAE's
INVERTS: 4 Cherry Shrimp, 1 Amano, 1 Assasin Snail, LOADS of guest snails!

This was my first go.."Dagobah"
The first rescape, "An Ember Cave" I really regret tearing this down. I had no algae issues at all with this scape and wish I had pursued it a bit further and planted it more.. but anyway..
I then got bored, scaped again and I ended up here.."Calm Before The Storm"
This current scape seems to change every few weeks. This is how it looks at present..
It looks a bit "all over the place" but I'm not changing it again as I've got a new 60x40x45 tank that I'm gathering (dust!) bits for..

So, for the time being while I gather bits for the new set up I'm testing flow patterns and using the tank to "grow on" plants, which I though I would document here..
I'm currently plagued by the dreaded green monster which I'm convinced is due to flow restrictions. I'm changing the current outlet/koralia positioning tonight and will report in a week or so to see if it's helped with flow. Also looking at CO2 diffuser placement as this is new to me.

Any advice or comments welcome? I'm off to remove some hair algae :geek:

Ember cave was deffo the best, but, the rocks in calm before the storm are excellent, and nicely placed! Texture of them contrasting with the colour of the sand and then the plants is very nice, looking forward to your next scape 😀
chump54 said:
i'm liking your ember tetras too... I'm starting to think about a rescape too something with some height in the substrate.

Yeah the ember's are cool little fish, I find the orange gives a nice contrast against the all the greens. I've definitely learnt a lot from this tank when it comes to substrate and hardscape positioning. That's what this tank is all about.. 😉

AdAndrews said:
Ember cave was deffo the best, but, the rocks in calm before the storm are excellent, and nicely placed! Texture of them contrasting with the colour of the sand and then the plants is very nice, looking forward to your next scape 😀

Cheers Ad, I miss that cave.. I'm not over keen on the rock on the far right, it looks a bit out of place. I can hardly see it now as it's almost covered by my p-helferi! I do love the texture of the rocks though. I found a load of the same rock in my local MA stores so I bought pretty much all of it. I've got a load in a box waiting for the next scape.. of course I've been having a play..