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Dan Crawford's Jurassic Dawn

Dan Crawford

21 Jun 2007
Daventry, Northants
Hi, after "Route to Wilderness'" imortalisation in PFK i thought it was time to break it down and start a fresh. I wanted to try my hand at stems so tis is what i came up with. It needs to fill in and there is loads of Rotala behind the large rocks so once that's grown in it should look a lot better. It's in need of a trim and a tidy up but with 4 high tech tanks and racing at the weekends, time is scarce these day. The two nanos, :little Mountain" and my new optiwhite cube (for the FoF) are taking preference at the moment since those two are "public" if you know what i mean and i need to give George's "little mountain" the maintenance it deserves!
Anyway, here you go.
Stats -
Size - 80 x 45 x 45
Substrate - ADA Aquasoil Amazonia, path - Zambizi sand
Lighting - 2 x 125w arcadia mercury vapour
Photo period - still trying to get it right LOL
Fertalisation Techinque - EI with TPN+ for traces
Hardscape - Fossilised/Petrified Wood from Unipac
Plants - Rotala sp. green, Didiplis Diandra, p. Helferi, HM, Rotala Rotundifolia, Ludwigia Glandulosa, Christmas Moss
Fish - 20 Axelrodia Riesei


Very nice start Dan 😀 Like the backlighting too. I need to brush up on my stems as well - never been able to get them how I wanted, thats why I've been using mosses and ferns! Might have to give it an inspection next time I'm up 😉

What are you doing in the foreground? Glosso would work well 🙂

Tom said:
What are you doing in the foreground? Glosso would work well 🙂
Thanks mate, i was thinking HC and using p. Helferi for the transition hence the big tall bits on the right. I might have a go with glosso, it's like a weed man LOL.
Tom said:
Might have to give it an inspection next time I'm up
Won't be long fella, less than two weeks. Unlucky me hey, you AND Graeme sitting round critiquing my tanks 🙄 :lol:
Love it mate.

Totally different from 'Route to Wilderness' yet still has the now emerging Crawford style. The hardscape is superb in its selection and composition. It's very well done.

I'd go HC over glosso, personally. More sustainable and you'll have your hands full enough with all the stems and other tanks... 😉

I'd also consider some more transistion other than just downoi from the HC to the rocks. Maybe hairgrass (hard to control) or a small Lilaeopsis sp. (slower growing).

Another potential 'Great'... Can't wait to see it in the flesh in the not too distant. 😀 😀 😀
Nice one matey, thanks for the praise 😳
Lillaeopsis would make a great transition as you've suggested, DONE!
HC will be the future i recon, i have quite a bit of it, actually that'll be a HC foreground in all four tanks, nothing like sticking to what you know 🙄
Looking good so far, those are some really large rocks! do you protect the bottom glass? if so how? would be interested in finding out.
I would recommend HC rather than glosso, I have glosso in my tank and know what a pain it can be and would be easier for yout to maintain and also control. Shame HC doesn't do well in my setup, tried it just doesn't grow much.
Congrats on the new scape and look forward to more updates 🙂
Hi Dan,loving it mate that path is awesome adds depth to it,i agree with George i think hc is the way to go but what do i know,regards john.
Nice one Dan, if something looks cool on day one its sure to be the ice man on day one hundred and one.Some Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis might be a nice addition being a bit less in height than Mauritania.
All the best,
the boys in the green.
Very nice Dan, been waiting for this since you mentioned the fossilized wood a while back 😀
Do think glosso will be a bit too much for this tank. Want something that wont take over the downoi.
Well this tank is about 9 months old now and it's still not right. It's full of all sorts and it starting to get the aged look that i'm after but it needs a serious overhaul soon!
George and SteveUK came round last night for a few drinks and George was happily snapping away so here are some of the shots he took.
Some great photos Dan,
I can just picture seeing a T.Rex walkthrough the mass of plants 🙂
Is was a great evening! Managed to grab a couple of nice shots as well as relax with friends.

Dan's living room is awesome - surrounded by nice planted tanks! The Little Mountain replacement is the best hardscape I've ever seen in a nano.