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Dan Crawford's Jurassic Dawn

Thanks guys 😀
Mate, how do you find the mercury vapour lighting?

I'm considering options for my 90cm to replace an 80cm 4x24w arcadia unit. I was thinking if I could find a cheap 150w halide it'd be ideal, but hasn't even considered mercury vapour lights (no idea of the difference!)
LondonDragon said:
Tank looking good Dan, shame there is not full tank shot, nice photos George 😉
Congrats guys
Thanks mate.
SteveUK said:
Mate, how do you find the mercury vapour lighting?

I'm considering options for my 90cm to replace an 80cm 4x24w arcadia unit. I was thinking if I could find a cheap 150w halide it'd be ideal, but hasn't even considered mercury vapour lights (no idea of the difference!)
I like them, they are very yellow but the eye doesn't notice it, it's only in photos really. Mine could do with some new bulbs. I'd recommend them but if you can get a halide then i'd do that. Thats what i'm looking at at the moment, i can see and ADA one perhaps, dunno, i know it would be worth it but it really would be hard to part with £350+.
I LOVE the second from last photo. It looks so natural and has great depth/sense of scale to it. If I didn't know this was an aquascape, that photo could've been taken outside.
Sweet. I can see the images now. Not too bad considering they were taken at the end of the evening...

I have a load more on my memory card too so will share some of them soon...

I actually like the warm light for a change. It suits the layout really well, especially the petrified wood.

Crawford has his own style - it's official.
The last shot was nice.
Most of them tend to disorientate me, trying to work out where in the tank they would be... any chance of a full tank shot?
Thats a great photo George.

When it flipped up on the screen I thought, OMG Angelfish evolved from Raptors.

It so fit the tanks look and name 🙂
Hi Dan,

looking good mate,how long you had the new lighting ?,it will be interesting to see how growth is affected,

regards john.
Just a quick update on this, I've added Halide lighting in the form of a Aqua One summit or other, the light is 150w @ 5500K and it's really smart.
Heres an updated shot after George and others had a play (tidy up LOL)
nice scape dan.

it's different to the usual scapes we see, and the lighting just gives much more room for better lit images. even my MH has opened up new avenues. photography wise and plant growth wise.