I have had cyanobacteria in my tank for about 3 weeks now and cannot get rid of it fully.
I do 30% Water changes every week. Dosing all the Seachem plant ferts, Have well over enough light and pressurized co2.
I have been manually removing it but it isnt going. Wondering if im dosing enough Nitrates? I am cautious of dosing nitrogen as I worry that it could increase the growth of cyano as well as other Algae.
I have a slightly high phosphates and so have added a phosphate remover.
I read recently that redish tint lights promote the growth of it? I have a tropica original tropical t5 tube as part of my lighting and it has a very red tone to it. Wondering if I should replace it with a whiter daylight tone bulb.
Thoughts, opinions, ideas?
Help with this would really be appreciated, it is ruining my scape.
I do 30% Water changes every week. Dosing all the Seachem plant ferts, Have well over enough light and pressurized co2.
I have been manually removing it but it isnt going. Wondering if im dosing enough Nitrates? I am cautious of dosing nitrogen as I worry that it could increase the growth of cyano as well as other Algae.
I have a slightly high phosphates and so have added a phosphate remover.
I read recently that redish tint lights promote the growth of it? I have a tropica original tropical t5 tube as part of my lighting and it has a very red tone to it. Wondering if I should replace it with a whiter daylight tone bulb.
Thoughts, opinions, ideas?
Help with this would really be appreciated, it is ruining my scape.