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Custom stream tank dimension questions


New Member
6 Feb 2016
San Diego, CA
I am in love with the Panta Rhei stream tanks so I decided to design one with companion waterfall tank to send to my local builder. This is the design I whipped up on sketchup.


The stream tank dimensions are (in inches) 36x14x16. The floating bottom is 6 inches from bottom of tank. Floating display size is effectively 24x14x10 but since I am not going to fill the water level to the top of tank it will be more around 24x14x8. The waterfall tank dimensions are 12x14x12. The waterfall cutout is 4x1.5.

The stream flow will be handled by a maxspect gyre xf250 which has a max flowrate of 19000 lph.

The thing I am unsure about is how much room is needed on the bottom where the stream pump will be hiding. I am starting to think that 6 inches might be too much and maybe something like 4 inches will be enough. How much water depth should I be giving the display stream section?

I am going to have a canister filter with the inlet on the stream tank and outlet on the waterfall tank. Fish will be rainbow shiners.
You might struggle getting the internal corners at the top cut, unless someone has a clever way to grind them, either way going to be expensive.

Can you take it straight across at the top?
Wouldn't you be better off with a wet wall at the back of the tank you can grow epiphytes and the like on - so it looks like an overgrown stream bank? Like this...

I have always believed the pumps need to be fitted "to a bulkhead" ( aka a closed wall) to get the flowing effect.
The waterfall seems high ( and loud , and "splashy")😳

The Maxspect Gyre flows in a circular motion. Example found here:

As for the waterfall I would pile up rocks high to reach the mouth of the tank.

You might struggle getting the internal corners at the top cut, unless someone has a clever way to grind them, either way going to be expensive.

Can you take it straight across at the top?

I sent the builder this video and he said they can cut a lip no problem on the glass for the waterfall tank if that's what you are referring to. This type of cut is common in reef tanks.

You can see the modular design there.

Wouldn't you be better off with a wet wall at the back of the tank you can grow epiphytes and the like on - so it looks like an overgrown stream bank? Like this...


Looking for a tank with high speed flow for rainbow shiners with a small waterfall.
Ì still haven't seen exactly what goes on under that visible part. Not sure the Gyre will produce that. I think they use high volume pumps in a bulkhead, I see no other way to produce the pressure gradient. (i makes sense if it is their "tradesecret")
Ì still haven't seen exactly what goes on under that visible part. Not sure the Gyre will produce that. I think they use high volume pumps in a bulkhead, I see no other way to produce the pressure gradient. (i makes sense if it is their "tradesecret")

Oliver Knott has a video on his youtube. He is just using Panta Rhei Hydro Wizard pumps. There are no bulkheads and the only external item is a canister filter for bio media which pulls the water out of the tank with a traditional hang on pipe.