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22 Feb 2012
Kendal, Cumbria, UK
The very wonderful people at Watermarque have sent me some Crypt. usteriana, C.espeii and C. wendtii "Green Goblin". Presumably C.wendtii is still C. wendtii come what may and has no special requirements, but I've never grown C. usteriana and I hadn't heard of espeii until Paul at Watermarque offered it (possibly not the best way of buying plants I know). Does anyone have any advice, tips or experience to share ? Do either species have any special requirements ?
I would say your assumptions were correct about the green goblin, TBH I have never heard of that variety or either of the other species. I would say they are rare/new to the hobby as no one has sung out on this thread before me. I think most crypts are pretty hardy past the notorious Crypt Melt phase. Perhaps you could ask at where you bought them? Sorry I couldn't help more.

All the best from Bill. 🙂
Hi Bill
Watermarque is the name of the company. Having looked up C.usteriana, it seems fairly standard from what I can make out. C.espeii I can find no reference to anywhere.
I am no expert I'm afraid. 🙂 Would be very interested to see how they look, if you would feel like posting a picture. 😉
That might test my technical abilities somewhat !
I'll try taking some pics. The C. espeii is just producing its first new leaves, which look quite strange, green, small and narrow.
C usteriana is widely available, but big! My local MA have it in their planted tank, it's a good 2 foot tall. They sell it but at a premium price, I think about 8 quid, compared to 12 really good plants for 30 quid last time I bought some.

Never heard of espeii, tried googling it and only your thread came up!