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Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Pink Panther’ V Cryptocoryne wendtii 'pink flamingo'

Scott p

New Member
2 Dec 2021
hi all, I was wondering if anybody could help me as my Google search has not been so helpful . Is there a difference between Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Pink Panther’ and Cryptocoryne wendtii 'pink flamingo' or are they same plant just sold under a different name?

Many thanks
I think they are different....although I have never been able to source Pink Panther, this Crypt is usually produced by ADA.
I think Flamingo was from Dennerle!
The pink panther I have only found for sale in place in the uk but they have no stock and haven’t for about 2 years.
The picture I see on the Internet they just look the same. This is way I’am thinking it maybe the same plant just sold under a different name depending on who is supply.
It proving difficult to find out hundred percent either way.