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Crypto Islands

Hi all well thing are going well with this one the swords are growing well and have to be trimmed what seams like every day. The Pogostemon Helferi as setteld in well and all is well on the Discus front. Got 6 in at the mo will wait and see if any per off and then move them to a new tank and have a go at breeding them. Have put some purigen in the both the fillters on this tank to and the water looks like gin.photo-2_zps13a8e860.jpg


Much nicer than a wall to divide your rooms.....every wall should be like this 🙂
Looking great, and pleased the discus have settled in well.
Hi and thank you all for your nice words. I am realy happy with it at the mo apart from the moss it gets every were in the tank so have taken it off the arch and i will see how i get on with the rest of it 🙂
🙁 Got up this morning and found my c02 Reg had leaked and the bottle had frozen. I had left the door open to the cabinet and my cat had the mad idea to jump up and pull the co2 line and the Reg hit the floor so two new gauges and some ptfe tape and i think i have fixed it :clap: and the cat gets to save one of his nine lives .🙂