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Crypt Balansae - low tech?

Rob P

13 Oct 2013
Wanting to use lots of this in my next tank, which will be low tech, fertilised using EI and in moderately hard tap water with low - medium lighting.

I've had a small amount (like one plant) in my now-taken-down hi tech and it took a while to grow but then grew very well.

I can add a little liquid Co2 if that makes the difference.

Will it work out?!

I have something in the low-tech White cube which i thought to be balansae. I give some new leaves, but no size growth at all. I thought balansae would get huge, these stay at 10 cm max. Not sure if it's because it's low light, or it isn't a balansae.
(it's in the right back corner)
I have some of the balansae in low tech and would recommend planting it in bunches fairly close together for it does not throw out many runner's as quickly as fast growing vals for example.
I planted a few plantlets in each corner of low tech but ended up moving it all to one corner to fill in better.
Got tired of waiting for that in each corner to fill out.
Ended up planting the stems of several about two inches apart.
Balansae should go to 40cm+ with out issue. Goes fine low tech but slow to establish. As all crypts, root feeding is really important to see it's best.

It's done 40cm in hi tech, had been in there a looooong time though. Guess this is crypts for you! 🙂
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae has been growing well in Cryptic Haven (low-energy) for some time it that helps...
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae has been growing well in Cryptic Haven (low-energy) for some time it that helps...

Yes mate, I meant to revisit your tank as I remember you having something along the lines of my thinking 🙂

Troi, do you use liquid carbon or anything in that tank mate? 🙂
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Hi Rob, no LC only a few mls of TNC Complete a week about the equivalent of 1/10 - 1/5 EI, I think.
I can contribute! I have a balansae bought it last year planted rooted in BD Trading aquarium sand in an aquaone nano with led no regular ferts and it's doubled it's leaves and the longest is 30cm or so. Pretty low tech 🙂 so sure yours will fair well.
I have this in my low tech, it is absolutely fine, i havent seen any die-back, however i havent seen much growth either!