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Critique my hardscape


6 Apr 2021

I'm upgrading my aquarium to a Fluval Roma 200l and have been playing about with hardscape ideas using some rocks and spiderwood.

Im thinking of something along the lines of the attached pic. Gravel will replace the cardboard which I've just used to give height.

Any thoughts welcome....


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I think it would work perfectly fine, but if you wanted to be fussy, I feel like some of your rocks aren't the right way up - the natural striations aren't all going the same way e.g. that big rock on the left, looks like it is on it's side and the big surface facing out should actually be the top - then it would match with the horizontal lines in the rock under the right hand wood. The smaller rocks on the right look like they may need rotating to follow the same lines too. That said, once you add plants you probably wouldn't notice 🙂
Looks nice mate. As above, have a switch around and then plan your planting. You can go very Fern heavy on this with all those branches which always looks good.

I’d lose the cardboard though, it doesn’t look good :lol:
For critique, I'm the chosen one within this forum. Perhaps it's due to cultural differences, because I've got the impression that the Britons criticize with the words "absolutely splendid, pal", or similar.
So, here are the same words translated into German-periphery dialect: "You're about to firmly follow the same pattern you can see everywhere."
Balance between the two "clumps" looks good. The tallest branch is well- placed and adds pleasing height. The large rock front left isn't, I think, quite right. One approach is to turn it upside down, and look at how that looks. Another approach might be to keep it more or less where it is, but ease it backwards, and move some smaller rocks forward around it. You're on the right lines, though, and it's good to see someone taking pains to get it in balance before adding water.
Thanks John.

I've attached a photo of the finished set up. Very early days and intending to add more plants. Not quite the same as the dry run but then is it ever.......


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