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Critique my first tank


New Member
27 Aug 2023
20 gal, 60x40x38
Looking for advice on how to improve my first tank, hoping to get a monte carlo carpet. Planning on adding S repens where I have doodled. The Alternanthera will be being removed at some point as I want all green plants now. Any criticism is appreciated 🙂



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There’s not much to be said in ways of criticism, you’ve had a go at your first Iwagumi layout which in turn happens to be your first tank.

Some pointers that might help you going forward should you rescape or wish to get into Aquascaping.

- try planting in slightly smaller bunches which will allow the plants to be spread across the substrate further, this will allow it to grow in quicker.

- for a tank of that size the rock pieces you’ve used are too small.

- the rock pieces are all the same size which doesn’t provide much interest.

- the tank seems relatively new, this may mean you’ve added those shrimp a little prematurely.

There’s not much to be said in ways of criticism, you’ve had a go at your first Iwagumi layout which in turn happens to be your first tank.

Some pointers that might help you going forward should you rescape or wish to get into Aquascaping.

- try planting in slightly smaller bunches which will allow the plants to be spread across the substrate further, this will allow it to grow in quicker.

- for a tank of that size the rock pieces you’ve used are too small.

- the rock pieces are all the same size which doesn’t provide much interest.

- the tank seems relatively new, this may mean you’ve added those shrimp a little prematurely.

I'm using media from my dads tank to cycle it, he gave me loads, plus im dosing with serchem stability, and yeah that big rock was the biggest they had in the pet shop, I did consider getting some online but decided against it, thanks for the feedback 🙂
If this is your first go at this kind of aquascape, then you should feel pleased. More of that rock might be pleasing but it's not always cheap!